Sunday, September 28, 2008

September 28 Trust the Lord

Lesson Summary: We can trust God becasue he is love, he is all wise, he is all powerful and he does not lie.  Although we can't explain all of God's actions or the things which go on in this world, we can trust that God can turn bad into good and we can trust that He is in control.

We can overcome the barriers to faith by:
  • Recalling  past victories
  • Reaffirming our motives
  • Rejecting discouraging words
  • Recognizing the true nature of the battle
  • Responding to the challenge with a positive confession, and
  • Reckoning the victory the victory that will be ours through God.
Ministry Opportunity:  Our class will provide the dinner meal for Daniel and Michelle Simms on Thursday of each week.  Let me or Jan Hallisey know if you are willing to provide the food one one of the next few Thursday's.  Jan will provide the meal on Thursday of this week and Mary and I will take the next Thursday.