Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Let's make these statements -

(Original post by Ron Edmondson)

Instead of all the negative comments we often hear in church, wouldn't it be nice if these were the norm?

We can do it Pastor – The “can do” attitude. Who can’t work with that?

Jesus will make a way – If we believe this. then all we have to do is follow Him…right?

It’s not about me – Wow! To hear someone say that…makes a pastor’s day.

Let’s walk by faith – Yes, let’s do. Because, without faith, it’s impossible to please God. At least, according to the Bible.

What can I do to help? – Imagine if everyone showed up at church ready to do whatever it took to make the day work. Just imagine. We can dream, can’t we?

We need some change around here – I think we do. Sustained momentum always requires change. Always.

I know we need to talk about money – You do? Really? You recognize that it takes money to operate a church? Wow! Are you contagious?

It’s none of my business – Okay, this is a tough one, but seriously, is it? Do you really need to know everything, or do you just like information? I wonder if we moved forward with less information if we would be closer to walking by faith…which in essence means we go without seeing… Just wondering.

I’m excited about trying something new – By excited, do you also mean you’ll support it? And speak positively about it? Even behind the pastor’s back? Because, if you do, I’m gonna hug you. Seriously.

This church is awesome! – It’s simple, but it builds momentum. Believing in the church, it’s leadership, and it’s potential is a key to welcoming people who will later feel likewise.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Questions for leader-want-to-be's

(originally posted by Ron Edmondson)

" had a young man ask me recently, “Do you think I’m ready to be a leader?”

I said: Great question. Glad you’re asking.. But, honestly, I don’t know that I’m the one to answer.  It might help if I ask you some questions:

Are you ready to stand alone at times?
Are you ready to push through fear?
Are you ready to do the right thing even when it’s the unpopular thing?
Are you ready to be misunderstood sometimes…okay…many times?
Are you ready to sacrifice for your team?
Are you ready to see things others may not yet be able to see?
Are you ready to enter the unknown…first?
Are you ready to keep confidences?
Are you ready to delegate?
Are you ready to see all sides of an issue?
Are you ready to sometimes feel like the weight of a vision is on your shoulders?
Are you ready to face conflict?
Are you ready to have your integrity closely observed by your followers?
Are you ready to receive criticism?
Are you ready to defend your team?"

Are you ready to be a leader?