Sunday, November 30, 2008


November 30, 2008
Today we completed the series on apology.  We concluded that the elements of apology are necessary to maintaining good relationships within families was as with God.  To restore fellowship we must repent and we must ask for forgiveness.  The lesson on forgiveness can be downloaded if you missed it:

Next Sunday we begin a series in Ephesians with comentary by Chip Ingram.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


November 23, 2008
Let’s say that I have sinned against God or against a friend.  I have expressed regret. I am very sad for what I did and wish I had not done it. I take full responsibility. I don’t blame or justify. I just admit that I was wrong. I make restitution where I can.  What else is there?    View the lesson at

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What love language do you speak?

Link to the following site to determine the love language you speak:

Making Restitution

November 19, 2009
Sometimes saying, "I'm sorry" or "It's my fault" isn't enough when we have hurt someone.  We need to follow up with the question, "What can I do to make this up to you?" Last Sunday's lesson focused on the story of Zacchaeus to illustrate the third language of apology - restitution.  For many people, an apology isn't complete there is an offer to make up for the wrong.

If you were absent Sunday, you can download the lesson at

Monday, November 10, 2008

Christians and Their Government

November 10, 2008.
John Piper has a good article about Christians and government poasted on his his
Desiring God  blog/email.  The article is particularly appropriate now with a new president and a new governor.  Read it at his site: (

For those who don't want to read the whole article (I really recommend you do) I will give my own summary, though you will miss the richness of the scriptural refrences:

A Christian's priority is the kingdom of God, not the kingdoms of this world. Our primary concerns are the laws of God applied to the souls of men, not the laws of any country. Our eternal citizenship is in the kingdom of heaven, so it very much trumps any earthly kingdom citizenship we have. Our battles are not against flesh and blood, or people of this world, but against spiritual things.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


November 9, 2008
We began a new lesson today on the languages of apology, and the Bible reference was the 51st Psalm, David's confession and request for forgiveness before God.  You can view the lesson on line if you weren't in class.  Key points:
  1. Expressing regret and assuming responsibility for our actions are two of the five languages of apology.
  2. Because we are sinners, we will do things to others that require an apology.  
  3. Without apologies, anger builds and pushes us to demand justice.
  4. When we don't see justice, we often take matters into our own hands and seek revenge on those who have wronged us.
  5. When we apologize we take responsibility for our actions and express regret for our behavior.
  6. Apologiesy open the door to the possibility of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Next Sunday our focus will be on Zacchaeus and the third language of apology - restitution.

Bring a friend with you to class.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Bible is our Guidebook

November 2, 2008
Today's lesson
emphasized the importance of making the Bible the guidebook for our everyday living.  2 Timothy 3:16-17  (NLT) was the key Bible reference..."All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and what is wrong in our lives.  It straightensus out and teaches us to do what is right.  It is God's way of preparing us in everyway, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do.  If you were absent, you may download the lesson

Next Sunday we begin a short practical series on the Five Languages of Apology.  Listen to the author's introduction by clicking on the video link to the left of this note.

New slide shos have been added - follow the links under "Pictures".