Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Christ on the Cross - A Picture of Grace

February 17
Last Sunday, February 15, we had great discussion and high attendance.  Thanks to all who came and participated.  We will finish the series this coming Sunday.  

I have been touched by these lessons and have made changes in my life as a result.I thope the same is true for you.

Jesus on the cross was:

  • a substitution for me
  • scandalized
  • suffered
  • a sacrifice
  • satisfied a Holy God’s requirement

Grace is what God does for me that I don’t deserve.  God’s grace:

  • redeems
  • releases
  • reconciles
  • releases

Lord I thank you for the picture of Your grace in the cross of Your dear son.  How great is Your love for Your children – and that includes me.  How unceasing.   How unending. How unparalleled.  How unprecedented.  Where could I ever find such grace that my heart so desperately needs? 

Lord, thank you that my failures of the past are nailed to the cross.  You have canceled the debt that is against me as result of those things about which I feel secretly ashamed.  The enemy would say, “Your best days are behind you!”  “You are no longer of use in God’s service.”  But You say, “David, there is yet an opportunity for you to be a man of righteousness."  

Thank you, God; there is still time.  Today is a new beginning for me and for each person in this class.  Today, I start in grace.  How could I continue in sin now that I know what my sin cost you?  Thank you for you presence here and now.  I draw near to you in Jesus’ name.