Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Keeping first things first

David Ashcraft
August 10, 2010

In one of his letters to Timothy, Paul encouraged Timothy to remember the important things in life. "Continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them." II Timothy 3:14.

I don't know about you, but I have tendency to over commit in many areas of my life, and this includes church. Vacation is a good time for me to think about the upcoming year; we have a fantastic year of opportunities ahead of us at Bethlehem.

The new church year begins with fall Bible studies and includes Homecoming, new prayer groups, a weekend retreat for families, mission work weekend targeted for the youth, a Family Life conference in Raleigh, new outreach opportunities, preparations for Upward, and Thanksgiving and Christmas activities.

Beginning in January we have new Bible studies, basketball, Lay Renewal _3, vacation Bible school, mission outreach and camps for youth and children.

Bethlehem has many gifted people who will take the leadership roles to make these activities successful and focused on glorying God. Let's commit to remind one another if we see burnout occurring and notice others drifting from the important things by being too busy. Busyness is a landmine that Satan can use to keep us off target. We can become so busy that we fail to take care of ourselves. Taking care of self is like filling the gas tank to keep the car running - it means maintaining the right relationship with God and other people through consistent prayer and Bible study and ministry; keeping in good physical shape by exercising and watching what we eat; taking care of our finances by not going into debt and paying off the debt we have and keeping our brains sharp.

Use the gift that God has given you to help Bethlehem reach the community. Encourage others to use their gift. By working together, non one will burnout; we will remember the things we have learned