Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We Only Get So Many Words

reposted from James macDonald
We only get so many words in our families. The older our kids get, the fewer words we have with them. What are you going to spend your words on? “Clean up your room!” “I asked you five times to take out the garbage!” “How many cookies have you had since lunch?” Is that how you’re going to spend your words? Like that’s going to have a big impact! I fear we’re wasting our words on issues of little value, and then we’re too exhausted to pour into our families the kind of truth that can be a fountain of life to them. Instead, let’s choose words of truth that build and guide and that establish a foundation of wisdom for our families that will last them a lifetime.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Choosing to Change

James MacDonald
Look at Romans 6:10, “For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all. But the life that He lives, He lives to God.” Some Bible teachers argue that change is all about God and not about us at all. All we really need to do in order to experience the transforming power of the Gospel, they say, is lean back in our recliners, put our feet up, and let God do it all. Now hear this: That is not what the Bible teaches! Of course we need God’s help, but we cannot be changed without making the choice to change ourselves. Notice Paul’s command in Romans 6:12: “Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body.” What’s that if it’s not a choice?!Do not let sin reign in you! Make a choice. Read More

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Clash of the Titans: Competition for Woody Biomass | F2M Market Watch

At the Argus RenewablesTrading Summit 2011, Pete Stewart talked about the relative economics of pulp and pellet production and assessed the effects of competition for woody biomass on these two types of manufacturers. Pulp producers will still be competitive globally if the increased competition for woody biomass drives pulpwood and chip prices higher. The margin for pellet manufacturers is much slimmer; the price risk they face is much greater.  Read More