After his resurrection, Jesus gave all believers the same mission: make disciples (who make disciples) wherever you go. Matthew 28:18-20. Acts 1:8. We carry out this mission, working together, as members of a local church that has a unique vision.
There are polls and reports almost monthly telling us how churches as a group are doing, but how well is your church carrying out its biblical responsibilities? Is it thriving, surviving or dying. How do you know?
There are several questions that help us determine areas for needed improvement as a church seeks to work within God's will in a culture that is rapidly changing.
(By the way, these questions are good for any organization or business to periodically ask.)
1. Is God's desire for your local church crystal clear to all members?
- Has the church prayerfully considered where God is working and where He wants your particular church to work?
- Do all members know the vision?
- Are your church members biblically literate? We have raised one-two generations of church members who have not and do not read the Bible.
- Do your church members understand Missio Dei and that each individual member has a part in God's mission. God sent Jesus, and Jesus sends us.
- Do your church members understand what it means to "Make Disciples?"
- Do your church members have a passion for the lost?
- Do your people know the spiritual status of your church?
- Is your church thriving, surviving or dying?
- How do you know?
- Do your members and pastoral leadership understand the responsibility of the pastor and teacher to equip the members to be ministers?
4. Do your church members have peace and joy?
- How can you tell?
- Do your church members know how to share their testimony (their story) without offending others?
- Do your church members genuinely care for unbelievers outside the walls of the church?
5. Is the pastoral leadership team doing a good job of equipping members to be ministers?
- How can you tell?
- Is the paid staff expected to make most or all of the hospital visits?
- Is the paid staff expected to be the ones who practice personal evangelism?
- Do your church members understand the concept of discipling in their marketplace, beginning in their homes, neighborhoods and workplaces?
- How can you tell?
- Do you know for sure that your church is pursuing a God-given vision?
- How can I tell?
- Does your church understand the importance of unity?
- Do your church members actively pray for one another?
- What keeps pastoral leadership from equipping more members for ministry?