Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Me + God can do anything. Me - God can do nothing.

We see this principle clearly illustrated in the life of young David, the future king of Israel.

  1. When David was anointed  as the future king of Israel, Samuel records, "The Spirit of God came upon David." The same Holy Spirit that enabled David to defeat Goliath lives within believers today.
  2. David fought Goliath because Goliath was mocking God not out of arrogance but . There are many causes a believer can adopt, but we should always confront someone who is mocking God.
  3. God said that David had a heart that sought God. When confronted with his sin, David always confessed and repented.
  4. David was a unique man, shaped by God for his calling.  God also shapes us, and the Holy Spirit enables us to win the spiritual battles against Satan in our lives.
  5. David was a youth when he was anointed as king. If we are willing, God can and does use us whether we are young or old, man or woman or any race. The Holy Spirit enables us to successfully accomplish God's plan for our lives.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Obedience over Sacrifice

Israel wanted a king. But their reason for desiring a king was not a good one:  they wanted to be like other nations. Their request to Samuel to anoint a king was a rejection of God, who was their king. Their rejection of God was not something new, their rebellion began right after Moses led the people from Egypt, about 300 years earlier. 1 Samuel 8:6-9.

We (believers who live in the 21st century) are no different from the people who lived 3000 years go. We look at the world around us and either want what the world has to offer, or we want to water down the gospel so that the world will want us. We forget that God called us (believers) to be holy, separate and His special people. 1 Peter 2:9.

As Saul aged, he became arrogant and confident in his own ability and power, and he disobeyed God. Saul forgot that God wants obedience more than sacrifice, 1 Samuel 15:22. Perhaps the saddest words in the Old Testament are found in 1 Samuel 13:13-14. God removed the kingship from Saul. 

How many times has God removed potential blessings from us because we disobeyed him?