God is in control.
Love your enemies.
Pray for those in authority
Be a disciple who makes disciples.
There are times in our lives, just as in the life of King David that we have to demonstrate what we really believe? We either show a heart after God or selfish actions that please ourselves.
David had respect for leaders, such as King Saul and in 2 Samuel 24 spared Saul's life, even though Saul was pursuing David with the intention to kill him. David was even encouraged by his advisers to kill Saul because they thought it the will of God.
Applications for us:
- Just because something feels right and your friends say it is right does not make it right.
- God never tells us to do something that violates the Bible.
- Sanctify your conscience and listen to it.
- Trust the Bible
Lessons from Jesus:
- Jesus spared our lives.
- Jesus took the initiative to first love us.
- Jesus humbled himself.
- Jesus did not fight back against his enemies.
- Jesus refused to wield His power,