Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Still Thinking, April 14, 2009

It is Tuesday morning, and I am still thinking about Easter weekend - beginning with the service on Thursday night. 
That was my first Thursday evening Easter service, and I was moved by it.  Very simple - very worshipful.

Reverend Pullium's sermon on Sunday morning was the best, most compact statement of Christianity that I think I have ever heard.  

And the weather was beautiful Saturday and Sunday.

This coming weekend, we have an opportunity to renew oourselves spiritually - a spiritual tune-up.  I hope that you will plan to attend as many of the revival services as you can.  7:00 pm on Friday and Saturday and Sunday nights.  Hot dog supper on Saturday evening qt 5:00 pm and normal services on Sunday morning.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Thoughts on April 6, 2009

Wow!!  What a great weekend at Bethlehem!  I know that I was tired last night when I went to bed, and I think some of you were also.

On Saturday morning, our class was well represented at Missions Day.  All together there were 60-80 people from BBC who gathered at 8:30 to receive work assignments - cleaning gutters, cutting grass and removing trash from yards, painting, cards for shut-ins, food for the homeless, visit to Moore square and also a visit to "tent city."  I know that heaven rejoiced when the saints and angels saw us working for God.

Then on Sunday morning, we enjoyed one of the sweetest worship services I have experienced at Bethlehem. The children led the service, and I was blessed.  Some of you have children who are quite talented.

In Sunday School we were blessed with two visitors, and I heard today that there is another family that plans to visit us this coming Sunday.  God moves on his timetable, and it is up to us to be ready to host visitors and welcome them into full time attendance.  Our ultimate purpose in Sunday School is to win others to Jesus.

I am looking forward to next Sunday.  Our lesson begins on page 73 and includes God fulfilling his promise to provide a son to Abraham and Sarah.  One of the key points thus far in our study of the patriarchs in Genesis is this: God always does what He says he will do....on his time schedule.  When God calls and says , "Leave" and "Go," we must be willing to say "Yes."  God is ready to do a great work at Bethlehem.  We just have to have faith and follow Him. 

Complete your homework this week and bve prepared for a great discussion this coming Sunjday - Easter Sunday.