Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Prayer from the Teacher

---posted by DAvid Ashcraft, October 21
The Bible teaches that you are a spirit - not bound by space or time. You are with me now. You know my concerns, my fears and my sins. You are Holy, and I confess that I don't comprehend the vast gulf between your Holiness and my sinfulness.

I placed my trust more than 50 years ago in Jesus' death on the cross as the reason for my hope for eternal life. And that hope is sure. I do not doubt your Word nor Jesus' death as full payment for my sins. I thank you that you love me enough to continue working on me to make me more like you.

Forgive me when I try to work my plan instead of your plan. Forgive me when I am hurt and offended when my plan is rejected. Forgive me when I try to solve problems on my own without even asking for your help or advice. Continue to mold me into the man you want me to be.

You are all powerful and already have the solution for the problems on my list. Your solution will surprise - maybe shock me; it might even make me sad. I pray for your will in all the problems - "on earth , as it is in heaven." I ask for wisdom so that I will be a part of your solution. Give me patience, a controlled tongue and increased faith.

As I write, I am reminded that I have gossiped when I should have expressed your love for people - some of whom are Christian brothers and sisters. I've had lustful thoughts, and although I haven't dwelled on them, forgive me for any impure thoughts. Forgive me for ignoring you. I am more aware than ever that I can't enjoy the right relationships on earth without having a right relationship with you.

I want to be a man who pleases you in all areas of responsibilities - family, church, friends and work. Don't let me embarrass You.

I close with thanksgiving for your plan of salvation,
for your continued love,
for Mary and our children and their families,
for Christian brothers and sisters
for Bethlehem, and
for taking care of me.

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