Friday, March 27, 2020

Living in a post-Christian, post Covid-19 World

The disruption caused by the coronavirus has changed life for every person on this earth. Unfortunately, we won't know the new normal until 2022.

Here in the West, the new normal culture will be post-Christian and post Covid-19. It is too early to know the context of the new normal, but we do know that the principles for living in a post-Christian, post-Covid-19 culture do not differ from the principles for living in today's culture: 

  1. Love, serve and obey God.
  2. Love and serve your neighbor. Meet the needs of the helpless.
  3. Be a disciple who makes disciples.
  4. Love and live in community with fellow believers.
  5. Work. Create. Manage the earth.
  6. Rest. Refresh. Replenish. Renew.
We are to live a balanced lifestyle that includes each of these imperatives. 

The "how" to live this lifestyle can overwhelm us if we aren't intentional.

We can live intentionally by remembering seven facts: 
  1. God is sovereign and always in control.
  2. 90% of what God does is through people.
  3. 90% of God's will for my life is in the Bible.
  4. God has a plan for each person and has placed each of us where he wants us with a specific plan that fits his PLAN of restoring a lost world to Himself..
  5. I can't save the world. But I can have an impact where God placed me, in my piece of the world.
  6. If every believer works the specific plan designed for him/her, God's PLAN will be accomplished quickly.
  7. I must trust God.  

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