Thursday, March 26, 2020

Practical Advice During the Coronavirus Disruption

Life, as we knew it two weeks ago, disappeared. Here are six practical steps we can take to increase our daily effectiveness as we search for a new normal.

  1. Extra sleep. Each of us handles stress differently. We all, however, can benefit from extra sleep during periods of crisis. But don't spend all your time sleeping.
  2. Establish a regular schedule. We are creatures of habit. As quickly as possible, follow a regular schedule.
  3. Schedule time each day for prayer, bible study, and meditation. Quiet time is more important than ever during the coronavirus disruption.
  4. Send some time on a meaningful project each day. Most of us have projects we have postponed for a "rainy day." This is a rainy day!
  5. Avoid extremes on the Internet. There are always extreme opinions on the Internet. Decide who you want to believe and tune out most of the other noise. Follow the advice of government and health officials. 
  6. Listen for God’s voice.

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