I believe that one of the reasons the church in North America is declining in many places is because those of us who self-identify as Christians have lost our fear of God. We have an image of a loving old man who is tolerant of anything and everything. Yet, in the Bible every time someone had an encounter with God, he/she fell down in a combination of fear and worship.
Occasionally, we vaguely remember that God can not tolerate sin. So we excuse sin as a mistake. We say, oops. Oops I did it again.
When we understand who God is and who we are, we will fear God.
Proverbs 1:7 says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
The beautiful part of a personal relationship with God is that when I fear Him, He will then say, "Fear not."
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Who is Jesus?
The question that everyone must answer, the question that is unavoidable: who is Jesus?
My answer determines my world view. It also determines my destiny.
My answer determines my world view. It also determines my destiny.
I am Thankful for . . .
I like to spend the 12 days of Christmas reflecting on the past and planning for the New Year. A part of that process is thanking God for blessings and His providence that brought me to where I am today.
God has a purpose for each of us; it is not always obvious. Hindsight is always clearer than foresight.
On this 6th Day of Christmas, I am thankful for . . . .
- God, who loved me enough to plan for my salvation even while knowing that I would disappoint Him so many times.
- Jesus, who willingly died for me and established His church on the earth and now intercedes with God on my behalf.
- Holy Spirit, who lives within me and guides and prompts me each day to allow God to work through me, using gifts from the Holy Spirit, to reconcile a lost and needy world to God.
- Mary, my wife, who forgives and encourages me every day.
- Six children and nine grandchildren, who are living Godly lives.
- Good health and a high energy level.
- Bethlehem Baptist Church, the church that awakened me to God's plan for my life.
- Church Renewal Process, which is one of the components of my calling.
- Friends, Marthann, Phyllis and Bob, Jan and Teresa who are prayer warriors and in tune with God.
- Roy Hunter, who guided me to NC State where I received the education and training for a very enjoyable career.
- Ray Smith and Leonard Menius for encouraging me to accept that first job at EasTex.
- Ben Chilton for encouraging me to join him in the Advancement Office for the College of Natural Resources.
- Living in the present time, in Raleigh.
- Work associates who care for me.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Jesus and the Nations at Christmas
(Key points from a sermon by Kie Bowman, Senior Pastor at Hyde Park Baptist Church, Austin TX. Matthew 2:1-11. December 20, 2015)
1. John Piper: the goal of our missional efforts is that all nations may worship God.
2. David Platt: The promised Messiah (Jesus) is king of all peoples.
3. Wise men who visited Jesus probably came from Iran and irag as a large group of people accompanied by security detail, guarding the wealth they were bringing to a king.
4. The wise men represented the entire world when they visited Jesus.
5. Christmas invites all nations to worship Jesus.
6. Although Matthew wrote for a Jewish audience, he pointed out that the Wise Men (gentiles) were the first to call Jesus, King of the Jews.
7. The world worships Jesus because of His authority.
8. People worship Jesus because of His humility. He was born to poor parents in a poor community.
9. People worship Jesus because of His deity. He is worthy of worship.
10. The most important question anyone must answer is, "Who will I worship?"
1. John Piper: the goal of our missional efforts is that all nations may worship God.
2. David Platt: The promised Messiah (Jesus) is king of all peoples.
3. Wise men who visited Jesus probably came from Iran and irag as a large group of people accompanied by security detail, guarding the wealth they were bringing to a king.
4. The wise men represented the entire world when they visited Jesus.
5. Christmas invites all nations to worship Jesus.
6. Although Matthew wrote for a Jewish audience, he pointed out that the Wise Men (gentiles) were the first to call Jesus, King of the Jews.
7. The world worships Jesus because of His authority.
8. People worship Jesus because of His humility. He was born to poor parents in a poor community.
9. People worship Jesus because of His deity. He is worthy of worship.
10. The most important question anyone must answer is, "Who will I worship?"
Interested in revival in our churches? Join others in prayer.

OneCry is a movement of believers who are urgently crying out to God to revive the church and transform the culture. It isn’t an organization, program, or event. It’s a movement of like-minded people, churches, and organizations who agree that our nation needs a dramatic turnaround—but not the kind that comes from different politics, more education, or a better economy. Instead, it’s a cry to God for spiritual transformation of our hearts, homes, and communities.
Find out more about OneCry here.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Just thinking -
'Tis the season . . . .
Interesting that people try to hide the fact that the reason for celebrating Christmas is the birth of Jesus. Yet, no one who has studied history denies that Jesus is a real person who lived on this earth about 2000 years ago. In fact, the plurality of people who live today self identify as Christian. And, as Christians we believe Jesus is the promised Messiah.
The book of John in the Bible tells us all about Jesus and why He came. Yes, John makes it clear that there is one question that each person must answer, "Who is Jesus?" The simple answer for those who identify as Christian is, "He is my savior and my Lord."
Without Jesus, there no Christmas. Not even X-mas.
With Jesus, there is peace and joy that can't be explained.
There is hope in the midst of life's storms.
There is abundant life for today and eternal life for the future.
. . . . to celebrate the good news of the birth of Jesus - our Lord and Savior.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Would Jesus Join my Church?
Just thinking--
If Jesus decided to to visit earth for the next year, would He join my church? Or your church?
I believe that Jesus visited the earth several times during the Old Testament period and prior to his birth about 2000 years ago. Suppose He decided to visit earth again as a 35 year old man, prior to the rapture.
Which country and city would He choose as his home? During his 30+ years on earth 2000 years ago, he lived in the Middle East among very poor people.
Since He established the church and is the head of the church, I am sure He would join a local church somewhere and work to carry out the charge He gave the church. Which church would He choose? If He joined my church or your church, would our activities change?
Perhaps the real question, is this. If I and other Christians really believe what we say we belief to be the truth about Jesus, how would our lives change?
If Jesus decided to to visit earth for the next year, would He join my church? Or your church?
I believe that Jesus visited the earth several times during the Old Testament period and prior to his birth about 2000 years ago. Suppose He decided to visit earth again as a 35 year old man, prior to the rapture.
Which country and city would He choose as his home? During his 30+ years on earth 2000 years ago, he lived in the Middle East among very poor people.
Since He established the church and is the head of the church, I am sure He would join a local church somewhere and work to carry out the charge He gave the church. Which church would He choose? If He joined my church or your church, would our activities change?
Perhaps the real question, is this. If I and other Christians really believe what we say we belief to be the truth about Jesus, how would our lives change?
Monday, December 21, 2015
Always Wear Your Glasses and Hearing Aids
Recently, I was sitting outside on the patio with my five-year old grandson; we were having a detailed discussion on major world issues. In the middle of the conversation, he looked at me and said, "Pa, you don';t have on your glasses or your hearing aids. You can't see me or hear me." I replied, "I can hear you a little bit." Ben: "Well that's not enough." I retrieved my glasses and hearing aids, and we resumed our discussion.
I wonder how often I go through life hearing only a little bit and not seeing clearly. How many people have needed my encouragement, and I didn't hear them? How many times has God spoken in a still, quiet voice, and I didn't hear Him?
Ben taught me a lesson. I need to always have on my "glasses" and my "hearing aids" so that I can see and hear those in need, so that I can see and hear where God is working and inviting me to join him.
I wonder how often I go through life hearing only a little bit and not seeing clearly. How many people have needed my encouragement, and I didn't hear them? How many times has God spoken in a still, quiet voice, and I didn't hear Him?
Ben taught me a lesson. I need to always have on my "glasses" and my "hearing aids" so that I can see and hear those in need, so that I can see and hear where God is working and inviting me to join him.
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