Monday, December 21, 2015

Always Wear Your Glasses and Hearing Aids

Recently, I was sitting outside on the patio with my five-year old grandson; we were having a detailed discussion on major world issues. In the middle of the conversation, he looked at me and said, "Pa, you don';t have on your glasses or your hearing aids.  You can't see me or hear me."  I replied, "I can hear you a little bit."  Ben: "Well that's not enough."  I retrieved my glasses and hearing aids, and we resumed our discussion.

I wonder how often I go through life hearing only a little bit and not seeing clearly.  How many people have needed my encouragement, and I didn't hear them?  How many times has God spoken in a still, quiet voice, and I didn't hear Him?

Ben taught me a lesson.  I need to always have on my "glasses" and my "hearing aids" so that I can see and hear those in need, so that I can see and hear where God is working and inviting me to join him.

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