Wednesday, December 30, 2015

I am Thankful for . . .

I like to spend the 12 days of Christmas reflecting on the past and planning for the New Year.  A part of that process is thanking God for blessings and His providence that brought me to where I am today.  

God has a purpose for each of us; it is not always obvious. Hindsight is always clearer than foresight. 

On this 6th Day of Christmas, I am thankful for . . . . 
  1. God, who loved me enough to plan for my salvation even while knowing that I would disappoint Him so many times.
  2. Jesus, who willingly died for me and established His church on the earth and now intercedes with God on my behalf.
  3. Holy Spirit, who lives within me and guides and prompts me each day to allow God to work through me, using gifts from the Holy Spirit, to reconcile a lost and needy world to God. 
  4. Mary, my wife, who forgives and encourages me every day.
  5. Six children and nine grandchildren, who are living Godly lives.
  6. Good health and a high energy level.
  7. Bethlehem Baptist Church, the church that awakened me to God's plan for my life.
  8. Church Renewal Process, which is one of the components of my calling.
  9. Friends, Marthann, Phyllis and Bob,  Jan and Teresa who are prayer warriors and in tune with God.
  10. Roy Hunter, who guided me to NC State where I received the education and training for a very enjoyable career.
  11. Ray Smith and Leonard Menius for encouraging me to accept that first job at EasTex.
  12. Ben Chilton for encouraging me to join him in the Advancement Office for the College of Natural Resources.
  13. Living in the present time, in Raleigh.
  14. Work associates who care for me.

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