Monday, December 3, 2012

Strategic Leadership

What is the difference between a secular leader and one who is seeking to follow the call of God?  Ron Edmondson has a good post on Strategic Leadership and says the difference is God's secrets.  Read more

Thursday, November 29, 2012

What Is Heaven Like?
Dr. Ray Pritchard
[Content provided by Keep Believing Ministries.]

"Heaven is a place, just as much a place as is New York or Chicago." Charles Ferguson Ball
Everyone wants to know about heaven and everyone wants to go there. Recent polls suggest that nearly 80% of all Americans believe there is a place called heaven. I find that statistic encouraging because it tells me that even in this skeptical age there is something deep inside the human heart that cries out, "There's got to be something more. Something more than the pain and suffering of this life. Something more than 70 or 80 years on planet earth. Something more than being born, living, dying, and then being buried in the ground. Sometimes we talk about a "God-shaped vacuum" inside the human heart. I believe there is also a "heaven-shaped vacuum," a sense that we were made for something more than this life. We were made to live forever somewhere. In a real sense we were made for heaven.  Read the entire post.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Churches and Inward Drift

Ton Ranier, President of Lifeway, has published provoking thoughts about churches that have an inward focus.  He says that any church that has been in existence has a tendency to have an inward focus. He says that:
"All organizations tend to lose their focus and forget their original purposes over time. I call this almost imperceptible movement “inward drift.”  The attitude becomes one of protecting the way "we’ve always done it" rather than looking back to the original purposes and reasons for existence. Numbers of stagecoach businesses failed, for example, because they thought their primary purpose was to make stagecoaches rather than to provide reasonable and rapid transportation.  "
Tom lists five signs of inward focus in his post.  How many of the signs are evident at Bethlehem? Read more

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Free Autumn Tree Wallpaper

David Ashcraft

Psalm 136 is a song of thanksgiving with a repetitive phrase, "for his steadfast love endures forever."  As you read the psalm this thanksgiving, apply it to your own life.  God's steadfast love for you will endure forever. 

Think back over your life and reflect on the blessings you have received.

Look forward to an eternal life with the one whose "steadfast love endures forever."


Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever. 

Give thanks to the God of gods,

for his steadfast love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords,

for his steadfast love endures forever;
  • to him who alone does great wonders, for his steadfast love endures forever; 
  • to him who by understanding made the heavens, for his steadfast love endures forever; 
  • to him who spread out the earth above the waters, for his steadfast love endures forever; 
  • to him who made the great lights: the sun to rule over the day and the moon and stars to rule over the night, for his steadfast love endures forever; 
  • to him who struck down the firstborn of Egypt and brought Israel out from among them with a strong hand and an outstretched arm, for his steadfast love endures forever;  
  • to him who divided the Red Sea in two and made Israel pass through the midst of it but overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea, for his steadfast love endures forever; 
  •  to him who led his people through the wilderness, for his steadfast love endures forever; 
  • to him who struck down great kings and killed mighty kings, Sihon, king of the Amorites, and Og, king of Bashan  and gave their land as a heritage, a heritage to Israel his servant, for his steadfast love endures forever; 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Solution to our Mess

First Posted by David Ashcraft

I have often said that we baby boomers have created a mess for future generations to clean up, the left overs from hippies, drugs, "free" sex, abortion, greed, wars and worst of all failing to live for Jesus in our everyday lives.  As a result of our selfishness, the number of born-again Christians in the U.S. is less than 10% according to the polling group Barna.  And by our apathy, we baby boomers have given our children the impression that the only solution to the problems that we created is government.  Polls for the last 5 years have consistently shown that the younger generation believes that the government is the only solution to the problems we face - from healthcare to education to picking winners in the economy.

But a better solution will result from a revival among Christians in our churches. We baby boomers must acknowledge that we have not lived our lives with Jesus foremost on our minds. We have not told others about what He did for us, we have not loved our fellow Christians as we should and we certainly have not loved the world around us.  

Tom Ranier, Lifeway Resourses, posted an open letter to the next generation, and I think he is right on target: 

An open letter to Millennials from a Baby Boomer:
We have borrowed from your future and left you an incomprehensible national debt. We have polluted the world and left you dirtier air and water. Our politicians have failed you. Our religious leaders have failed you. Our business leaders have failed you. It is no wonder that you care little for the institutions of our nation. It is no wonder that you have always had a cynical view of those institutions.
We have created such a system of entitlements that everyone seems to be asking for their next handout. But we have not adequately funded those entitlements so we borrowed a bit more from your future.
We have left you wars. And it seems like we are engaged in the new habit of fighting multiple wars at the same time. We have left you in the fear of terrorism. I know you can’t blame the Baby Boomers for terrorists, but those terrorists have taken advantage of the weaker nation we left you.
It seems as though the one significant gift we left you was our belief in you. I know sometimes you were our trophy children, and we pushed you to accomplish things for our own egos. But most of the time we truly did want the best for you. We really do love you. And we really do believe that you can make a difference.
It won’t be easy to reverse the problems we have created, but you can do it. You have the desire. You have the abilities. You have the education, both formal and informal. Yes, you can do it.
Then perhaps, in thirty or forty years, when you pass the baton of leadership to your children in the next generation, you will give them a better place than we left you. If nothing else, we leave you with our confidence that you, the Millennials, can become the next great generation.
Thom S. Rainer

It is not too late for Christian baby boomers through our churches to lead the next revival in America.  When we humbly repent and begin doing what Jesus commanded us to do, then government, and education and science can support God's original command in Genesis, "subdue the earth." 

Awaken NC.  Day 30.
first posted by David Ashcraft

Most of us say that we believe there is a God. But the Bible says even Satan believes there is a God. 

A smaller number of people believe that the Bible is a good book.  

Sadly, only 10 -15% of us believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that His death on the cross provided God's required payment for our sins and by simply accepting this free gift to us we can have abundant and eternal life.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life:

  • God the Father says that Jesus is God, but the Father doesn't force us to believe in Jesus.
  • Scriptures say that Jesus is God, but knowing the Scriptures is not knowing Jesus.
  • Moses wrote that Jesus is God, but keeping Moses's law is not accepting Jesus as our savior. 
  • Jesus says that He is God, and that he can provide eternal life. John 5:24.
Either we personally accept Jesus as God or we reject Him.  There is no alternative.

Prayer Points:

  • Ask God to give you a burning desire to see a revival among Christians in North Carolina.
  • Commit to following the leadership of the Holy Spirit as you daily live your life

Monday, October 29, 2012


Awaken NC.  Day 29.
Adapted from Chris Scofield

Peter confessed in Matthew 16:16 that, "You are the Messiah, the Christ."  

Most of know and believe that, but we forget it when we face criticism.  Or suffering.  Or the unknown.  

If we remember Peter and claim his confession then when the tough times come, we will know Jesus is the answer.  We can look to him for the right perspective.

Prayer Points:

  • Ask God for a heart focused continuously on Jesus
  • Ask God to awaken the church in America to His perspective.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Most Popular Songs in Church

(copied from Tom Ranier)
I am always fascinated to learn what is taking places in churches across America. As I was yet in another church this past weekend and listening to the music as we worshiped together, I became curious. What do churches typically sing during their worship services? I began to do a bit of research and found the CCLI list by month. Since CCLI is the largest licensor of church music, I would say that their list is very representative.
Here are the top 25 songs for the most recently reported month:
  1. How Great Is Our God
  2. Mighty to Save
  3. Our God
  4. Blessed Be Your Name
  5. Here I am To Worship
  6. Revelation Song
  7. Everlasting God
  8. Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
  9. Jesus Messiah
  10. In Christ Alone
  11. Your Grace Is Enough
  12. Forever
  13. Open the Eyes of My Heart
  14. Forever Reign
  15. How He Loves
  16. You Are My King (Amazing Love)
  17. Holy Is the Lord
  18. From the Inside Out
  19. Hosanna (Praise Is Rising)
  20. Shout to the Lord
  21. Come Now Is the Time to Worship
  22. The Stand
  23. Hosanna
  24. Lord I Lift Your Name on High
  25. Glory to God Forever
Are there any surprises on this list? What do you think of the current popular worship songs?

Awaken NC. Day 26

A Life of Labor for God
Adapted from Chris Scofield

Would your friends and family say that your life is a labor of love for God?  Is your life a living sacrifice as Paul admonished, Romans 12:1-2?

Don't know about you, but I find myself spending too much wasted time on junk - doing thing that have no eternal value.  Although I want to spend more time praying, and reading the Bible and serving others and witnessing, I find myself caught up in the demands of the world - deadlines to meet, tasks to accomplish and goals to achieve.

I'm learning that prayer time is the most important time of the day.  When I take the time to ask and then take time to listen, the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit comes through loud and clear.

Prayer Points:

  • Ask God to forgive apathy toward prayer and sharing Jesus with others
  • Ask God to give you a heart for prayer.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Awaken NC.  Day 25.  
Adapted from Chris Scofield

Have you ever been really proud of yourself for something you did for God?  

Be careful.  Pride and arrogance might be creeping in. Peter tells us, 1 Peter 5:5, that "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble." 

Prayer Points:

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal all spiritual pride and arrogance in your heart
  • Humble yourself and ask God to forgive you of all your sins

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Awaken NC     Day 14     Make Jesus Known
Adapted from Chris Scofield

In John 17:36, Jesus refers to "Your name." 

What does the name of God mean to you?  

What can you do through the name of God?

How can we make the name of Jesus know to all the world?  
Isn't that what the great Commission is telling us to do.....go ye into all the world and preach and teach.....

Prayer Points:

  • Pray that Christians will have the desire and courage to make known the name of Jesus throughout the world.
  • Pray that Christians will become activie in witnessing throughout the world.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Awaken NC     Be Anxious for Nothing
adapted from Chris Scofield

I don't know about you, but living Philippians 4:6 is sometimes hard to do.  

The news that sells,  predicts an economic disaster, a coming terrorist attack, global warming that will wipe out coastal areas.  

Or we hear about another fatal automobile accident or contaminated medicine.  It's enough satisfy any worrywart! 

Paul's advice is "Be anxious about nothing."  We can trust God to be in control.  

We know by experience that He never fails, and we know by the presence of the Holy Spirit that He daily - no, continuously, directs our lives.  

All we have to do is tune in and listen, and be anxious for nothing.

Prayer Points:

  • Pray that Christians all across North Carolina will begin to pray passionately for revival.
  • Pray that you will be faithful in your own prayer life.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Finish Strong

One of NC's great educators and citizens passed away this week.  His life was an example of someone finishing strong.  

  • He never stopped living.  Even in the face of criticism.
  • He was gentle and respectful.
  • He listened.
  • He liked people
  • He did not compromise his beliefs.

Bill Friday lived in sharp contrast to many in today's culture who: 
  • blame others for their own wrong decisions.
  • are risk averse.
  • bully and coerce others.
  • distrust people.
  • have no basic beliefs.

The Bible encourages to finish strong.  Live a life dedicated to Christ all the way to the end.  The apostle Paul says "run a good race."

Perhaps the best summary for Christian living is found in 1 Peter 3:8-9:
  • Live in harmony with one another.
  • Be sympathetic.
  • Love as brothers.
  • Be compassionate.
  • Be humble.
  • Do not repay evil with evil.
  • Do not trade insult with insult.
  • Bless others.

Sounds radical, but it works.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Awaken NC  Day 8     Do Your Really Care?
adapted from Chris Scofield

I am embarrassed to confess that I have a friend who is dying, and I do not know if he is a believer or not.  My failure to ask a simple question is a terrible indictment on my commitment to be a faithful witness.  Sure, I said.  "I'll take up the cross and follow you."  But I did not, and sad to say but there are many like me.  

Do we really care?  Do we really mean the Lord's Prayer Matthew 6:9-10 when we repeat it?  Or is it no more than a rhyme we learned as a child?

I've asked God to forgive my indifference.  And to give me courage and insight to never again have a friend die without me knowing he/she is a believer and without having shared the hope that I have through Jesus' resurrection.

Prayer Points:

  • Pray that Christians will recognize the need for spiritual awakening.
  • Pray that God's will really will be done on earth.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Awaken NC  Day 7           Drawing Near
Adapted from Chris Scofield

Revelation 2:4-5 speaks to many of us today; we have lost the love and zeal we once had for spreading the good news - the gospel that abundant and eternal life is only available through Jesus.  Because we are more in love with the world around us than with Jesus, we have lost the power of the New Testament church.  Which means we are helpless to carry out Jesus' command to "go!"

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for a cleansed heart and life by confessing your sins to God and ask Him for forgiveness.
  • Pray for an unwavering devotion to Jesus that will be evident to everyone.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Awaken NC.  Day 6 Character Matters
adapted from Chris Scofield

Jesus prayed for me and you in John 17:1; he prayed that we would be protected by His name and His character.  Jesus' name and character meant something and our character is important too. 

We will not see churches revived in America until our own character matches our prayers.

Prayer Points:

  • Pray that God will reveal those areas in our lives where our walk does not match our prayers.
  • Pray that we walk the talk.

  • Ask for forgiveness of sin daily.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Living without Fear 

Several weeks ago, I returned from a mission trip to India.  I had the opportunity to spend a few days with people totally different from me - Hindu's, Moslems and Buddhists.  In one of the villages, the people had never seen white people before.  

Did I realize that there might be danger around me?  Sure!  Was I afraid?  No!!  I knew that I was where God wanted me to be at that time in my life.

1 Peter 3:13-22 provides us guidelines for living without fear - no matte the circumstances:  

  • "Count your blessings.  name them one by one."
    No matter what is going on around us - evening if we are suffering, we are still blessed by God beyond measure.
  • Defend our hope.
    We must always be ready to witness to others - give reason for the hope that we have, when people ask how we submit to unjust suffering.
  • Show respect and be gentle.
    My witnessing to others must always be done with gentleness and respect.  Nagging, intimidating and bullying do not win over anyone.
  • Claim the victory that Jesus has provided.
    Jesus' resurrection defeated Satan, and because God resurrected Jesus, we too can count on resurrection and eternal life if we accept Jesus as our savior.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Warning signs for failing Sunday School Class
adapted from Tom Rainer

There is a common pattern for most of the warning signs. Class members are more concerned about their preferences and desires. They are inwardly focused. They ask what the class can do for them, instead of asking how God can use them sacrificially and radically through the ministries of the class and church.

True Christianity is a faith that always seeks to put others first. Sadly, in many of the Sunday School classes i churches across our land, members are more concerned about getting their own personal needs and preferences met.

Church leaders should be concerned for Sunday School classes . . .
  • If the teacher does not have adequate time to be in the Word or if he chooses not to do so.
  • If only a few of the class members are actively sharing their faith.
  • If corporate prayer is not a major emphasis in the class.
  • If the class has more meetings than new disciples.
  • If the leadership of the church does not have a coherent plan for what is taught in small groups and Sunday school classes.

Prayer for Spiritual Awakening - NC
Chris Scoffield

Are you depending on God?
John 15:5.
Charles Spurgeon knew that he was nothing apart from Christ.  he was quick to say that prayer was the secret to the success of his ministry.  He not only believed that corporate prayer unleashed God's power, but he knew he personally had to be a man of prayer in order to be God's instrument.

Today the spiritual life of the church is so predictable, and it seldom shows the results of God's work in our lives.  Without the power of Christ in our lives we can do nothing.  It is not that we can do some things, but we can do nothing.  Do we dare pray that God would surprise us by His presence and power in our lives?  Can we really accept that our efforts are futile without Him?

Prayer points

  • Pray for the Lord to search your heart for spiritual pride
  • Pray toward an unwavering desire to abide in and depend on the Lord for everything.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Based on Awaken
by Chris Scoffield
October 5, 2012

Do it again Lord
Psalm 85:6
In 1904 the country of Wales was experiencing an incredibly low spiritual ebb.  Within six months 100,000 people were converted.  Today, American is in desperate need of revival?  Could the same thing happen here?

Prayer Points

  • Confess any k ow sin and set aside any actions that do not represent Christ

  • Ask the Lord to your you as an instrument for revival.

Forty Days of Seeking God
Gregory Reed Frizzell

2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalms 11:3, 1 Timothy 2:1-3

Because America’s greatest need is unquestionably spiritual, I am
providing biblical prayers that combine praying for revival and major elections.
Above all, this book is mostly about returning to God in genuine revival. It is not about promoting particular candidates or parties. As always, believers’ first and foremost concern must be the spiritual condition of our land, not politics! One thing is certain — if sweeping moral and spiritual transformation takes place, politics will largely take care of itself. The unique prayers are biblically based and spiritually strategic for revival and national decisions. They are especially
designed for personal, corporate or 24/7 emphases.

For seeking God’s face, the prayers in this section are equally
powerful for personal, small group or corporate prayer.
By using the accompanying Scriptures, many churches will
teach through the prayers. Many pastors will incorporate some
of the prayers into their prayer meetings and worship services
in the forty days prior to major elections or events. Concerning
elections, it is vital to pray for God’s guidance in campaigns and
major debates leading up to elections. They are especially
powerful for use both on and before election days. Many churches will have their people pray through all the prayers on major election days and the day or two prior.

May we always remember that our faith is in God, not in particular political parties or human leaders. Nationwide transformation depends far more on conditions in the Church-house than who is in the White House! If any doubt this, all they need do is remember that America’s forty year moral collapse has accelerated steadily regardless of whether conservatives or liberals were in
the White House. While elections certainly matter for many important reasons, a pure and revived Church is the only real hope for this nation! Even if an election goes the way some Christians might hope, it would be utterly foolish to think the root problem is solved. Political elections are not the same as revival in the Church. Regardless of the results of any election, believers must not become complacent! Today’s critical need is a true revival and return to God far beyond than anything we have seen in over 150 years.

The prayers in this tool reflect a preeminent focus on returning to God. And while there is some specific focus on elections and leaders, the prayers promote no particular individuals or political parties. The focus is only on God’s sovereign direction and blessing. Beyond question, any sincere Christian could pray such prayers with his or her whole heart. Obviously, each person will decide privately which candidates or issues most represent God’s heart. That decision is between each person and God alone.

Seeking God to Rain Down His Righteousness
Isaiah 62:7,  Hosea 10:12
Because times are so desperately urgent, it is time to seek God 24/7 for revival and direction in our land. In our prayers and repentance, we must “give God no rest until He comes and rains righteousness upon us!” Isaiah 62:7; Hosea 10:12.) The sixteen prayers (and accompanying covenant) are powerful for uniting believers’ prayers on specific points of focus. In a real sense, they represent the intensive spiritual warfare that is our only hope. May God grant us the will and power to truly return to Himself (Philippians 2:13). Concerning prayer and repentance, the days for “business as usual” are long past!

Forty Days of Seeking God is unique in that believers daily pray through at least two biblical prayers for revival and for God’s guidance in our nation. Over the forty days, participants pray through all of the various prayers several times. There is also a built-in flexibility to pray as the Spirit guides, not by some rigid formula. For those who use only the prayers (and not the main book), they will follow a similar pattern minus the deep daily cleansing. By using these strategic biblical prayers, believers learn to intercede with far greater specificity and thoroughness. Above all, they are co-laboring with God by genuinely praying His heart. Such prayer is the very essence of spiritual warfare and sweeping revival.

Rather than simply reciting the prayers in this tool, I strongly urge readers to prayerfully meditate on their unique spiritual focus and the meaning behind them. Do not rotely recite or casually scan these prayers. Ask God to help you pray these points from your heart in the power of God’s Spirit. The prayers are designed for personal, small groups or corporate prayer meetings. They are especially powerful for united 24/7 emphases that are local or nation-wide. Prayerfully consider their strategic meaning.

The prayers are presented in two formats; the first is 16 prayers and the second is 40 days of prayer using the 16 prayers.  Make the prayers personal and meditate on the scripture references.

16 Biblical Prayers that Co-labor with God
1. Pray for God’s mercy and grace on the Church, nation and world. Pray that He
would stay His righteous judgment and turn millions to Himself in fervent love
and deep repentance. Yet, if His will is increasingly trials, we will exalt His
purposes and trust His grace. (2 Chronicles 7:14; Jeremiah 7:16-20, 15:1-4, 45:5;
Joel 2:12-17; Daniel 9:17-19; Isaiah 64:1-2)

2. Pray for deep conviction of sin, fervent prayer and true revival to sweep Christ’s Church. (2 Chronicles 7:14; Joel 2:12-17; Matthew 22:37-39; 2 Corinthians 7:10; James 4:8-10)

3. Pray for believers to be much more concerned about the glory of God’s Name and spread of Christ’s Kingdom than economic, political and social comforts.
(Matthew 5:10-12, 6:33; James 4:1-3)

4. Pray for believers to fully humble themselves, placing their primary trust in God
not in political parties, economics or governments. (2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm

5. Pray for believers to be filled with great conviction and reverential fear of God.
Pray that none would commit the idolatry of placing economics or politics above
God and biblical truths. (Exodus 20:3-5; Acts 5:29)

6. Pray for believers to willingly embrace hard times or persecution if such are
required to bring sweeping revival and awakening. (God often brings revival out
of hard times, persecution and remedial judgments. Pray for God’s people to live
and pray as a faithful remnant in a land of darkness. (Matthew 5:10-12; James
1:2, 4:1-3)

7. Pray for all Americans to take their vote seriously. Pray they will understand that God holds them directly responsible for the stances of those they elect. (Proverbs 29:2; Galatians 6:6-7; Ephesians 5:11)

8. Pray for God to direct wise people to run for public office. Pray for wisdom,
effectiveness and power in the campaigns and decisions of those you feel
(personally) led to support. (James 1:5-7; Philippians 4:19) Pray for strong
funding and support.

9. Pray for God’s mighty power and guidance in campaign ads, interviews and
public debates. (James 1:5-7) Pray that the press and media will be accurate,
thorough and unbiased with all candidates. Pray for God’s ultimate will to

10. Pray that all believers will do their civic and spiritual duty by seriously seeking God and turning out to vote. Pray that voter fraud and/or suppression will be exposed and prevented in any party. (Psalm 11:3; Ephesians 5:17; 1 Timothy 2:1)

11. Pray for all Americans to recognize the profound, lasting implication of major
elections. Pray for voters to have the wisdom to see through political rhetoric and
clearly understand truth. Pray for distortion to be exposed and integrity to be
revealed. Pray that all voters will clearly see the good and bad of the various
beliefs and philosophies in either party. (Psalm 11:3; Proverbs 14:34)

12. Pray for a mighty resurgence of Americans who will honor God and stand boldly for biblical truths and principles upon which we were founded. Pray that a great majority will awaken to harmful directions and ineffective leaders in either party. (Psalm 11:3, 33:12; Proverbs 14:34; John 17:7)

13. Pray that God’s Spirit will miraculously over-shadow voting booths across
America. Pray that voters will hear and follow God’s guidance, not political
parties or human reasoning. (Proverbs 20:27; Acts 5:29; Romans 13:11;
Ephesians 5:15-17)

14. Pray that God will give America leaders of integrity who govern in righteousness, wisdom and truth. Pray that God will raise up a “standard of righteousness” across the nation. (Psalm 33:12; Romans 13:1; 1 Timothy 2:1-2)

15. Pray for God to raise up a standard against evil and restrain the forces of moral and spiritual destruction. Pray for God to remove blindness and send forth a
mighty wave of truth, understanding and wisdom. Pray that He would bind the
spiritual forces of darkness. (Isaiah 59:19; Matthew 12:29; 2 Corinthians 4:4)

16. Pray for God to “rend the heavens” in sweeping revival and spiritual awakening. Pray for an explosion of purity and revival in Christ’s Church. Pray for the Church to boldly proclaim the whole counsel of Scripture and the full glory of God. Pray for a sweeping evangelistic harvest around the earth. Pray for Jesus to come quickly. (2 Chronicles 7:14; Isaiah 64:1; Revelation 22:20)

Forty Days of Prayer Schedule
Again, I strongly urge believers to do more than just “say” some daily prayers. (Isaiah 1:12-15, 58:1-6) Some type of deep daily cleaning and repentance are crucial to any genuine return to God. Only as we truly return to God can our prayers have New Testament power. Obviously, our main goal is the glory of God’s name and spread of His kingdom. (Matthew 6:33)

Day One Prayer Focus
Plead for God’s mercy on the Church, nation and world. Pray that He would stay
His righteous judgment and turn us to Himself in fervent love and deep repentance.
(2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 85:4-7; Daniel 9:18-19; Hebrews 4:16; James 4:8-10; 1 Peter 4:17)

Pray for believers to be much more concerned about the glory of God’s Name and
spread of Christ’s Kingdom than economic, political and social comforts. (Matthew 5:10-12, 6:33; James 4:1-3)

Day Two Prayer Focus
Cry out for deep brokenness, Godly fear and humble repentance to sweep God’s
people (Psalm 51:17; Proverbs 28:13; John 14:15; 2 Corinthians 7:1, 10; Ephesians 5:26-27; Hebrews 12:14)

Pray for believers to fully humble themselves, placing their primary trust in God
not in political parties, economics or governments. (2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 33:12-22)

Day Three Prayer Focus
Pray for an explosion of first love passion for Christ and a deep burden for lost
humanity (Matthew 5:6, 44, 22:37-39; Philippians 2:13; 1 John 4:7-11, 20-21; Revelation 2:1-4, 3:15)

Pray for believers to be filled with great conviction and reverential fear of God.
Pray that none would commit the blatant idolatry of placing economics or politics
above God and biblical truths. (Exodus 20:3-5; Acts 5:29)

Day Four Prayer Focus
Cry out for a mighty movement of fervent personal and corporate prayer with
Spirit-led fasting (2 Chronicles 7:14; Joel 1:14; 2:12-18; Matthew 6:16-18, 17:21, 21:13; Mark 11:17; Acts 2:1, 4:30-31; James 5:16)

Pray for all Americans to take their vote seriously. Pray they will understand that
God holds them directly responsible for the stances of those they elect. (Proverbs 29:2; Galatians 6:6-7; Ephesians 5:11)

Day Five Prayer Focus
Plead for God to rend the heavens and pour out His powerful manifest presence.
Pray for the restraining of evil and a mighty outpouring of God’s Spirit (Exodus 33:15; 1 Kings 8:11; Isaiah 59:19; Zechariah 4:6; Acts 1:8, 2:1-2, 4:31)
Pray for God to guide the right people to decide to run for public office. Pray for
wisdom, effectiveness and power in the campaigns and decisions of those you feel
(personally) led to support. (James 1:5-7) Pray for strong funding and support.

Day Six Prayer Focus
Pray for a burning passion for evangelism, discipleship and missions to sweep
God’s people. Commit to fresh evangelistic passion in your own heart (Matthew 24:14, 28:18-20; Luke 19:10; Acts 1:8; Romans 9:1-3)

Pray for God’s guidance and empowerment in campaign ads, interviews and
public debates. (James 1:5-7) Pray that the press and media will be accurate, thorough and unbiased with all candidates. Pray for God’s ultimate will to prevail.

Day Seven Prayer Focus
Plead for pastors and church leaders filled with holy boldness, fervent prayer,
spiritual power and strong Scripture focus (1 Timothy 3:1-2; 2 Timothy 1:6-7; 1
Corinthians 2:4) Pray that all believers will seriously seek God and turn out to vote in miraculous numbers. Pray that voter fraud and/or suppression will be exposed and prevented. (Psalm 11:3; Ephesians 5:17)

Day Eight Prayer Focus
Cry out for deep brokenness, Godly fear and humble repentance to sweep God’s
people (Psalm 51:17; Proverbs 28:13; John 14:15; 2 Corinthians 7:1,10; Ephesians 5:26-27; Hebrews 12:14)

Pray for believers to fully humble themselves, placing their primary trust in God
not in political parties, economics or governments. (2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 33:12-22)

Day Nine Prayer Focus
Pray for powerful faith, pure motives and Godly wisdom in seasons of judgment
(Joshua 1:9; Jeremiah 29:16-18, 45:5; Acts 4:29-31; Matthew 6:33, 9:29, 16:18, 17:20; Mark 9:23, 11:22-24; 2 Timothy 1:7; James 4:1-4)

Pray for a mighty resurgence of Americans who will honor God and stand boldly
for absolute biblical truths and principles upon which we were founded. Pray that a great majority will awaken to wrong directions and ineffective leaders. (Psalm 11:3,33:12; Proverbs 14:34; John 17:7)

Day Ten Prayer Focus
Plead for churches to fully proclaim Christ’s preeminence, Calvary’s Cross and
true new-birth conversion (John 3:3, 13:32, 16:8-14; Acts 4:12; Romans 6:1-14; Philippians 2:5-11; Colossians 1:9-18)

Pray that God’s Spirit will miraculously over-shadow voting booths across
America. Pray that voters will hear and follow God’s guidance, not political parties or human reasoning. (Proverbs 20:27; Acts 5:29; Romans 13:11; Ephesians 5:15-17)

Day Eleven Prayer Focus
Cry out for churches to proclaim all Scripture, sound biblical doctrine and
theology with full exaltation of God’s glory (1 Chronicles 29:10-13; Isaiah 42:8; Acts 20:27; 1 Corinthians 1:29; Ephesians 1:3-6, 2:7-9; 1 Timothy 1:17)

Pray that God will give America leaders of integrity who govern in righteousness,
wisdom and biblical truth. (Psalm 33:12; Romans 13:1; 1 Timothy 2:1-2)

Day Twelve Prayer Focus
Plead for God to rend the heavens in sweeping revival and to transform the
nations in spiritual awakening. Cry out for Christ’s swift return! (Psalm 2:8, 72:11, 85:6-7; Isaiah 64:1; Acts 2:1-2, 4:30-31; Ephesians 5:26-27; Revelations 22:17, 20)

Pray for a mighty resurgence of Americans who will honor God and stand boldly
for absolute moral truths. Pray that a great majority of Americans will awaken to
wrong directions and bad leaders. Pray that voting outcomes will so confound the
worldly pundits that God is the only explanation. (Psalm 11:3; 33:12; Proverbs 14:34; John 17:7)

Day Thirteen Prayer Focus
Plead for God’s merciful grace on a nation and many churches that are under His
righteous judgment (2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 85:4-7; Daniel 9:18-19; Hebrews 4:16; James 4:8-10; 1 Peter 4:17)

Pray for believers to be much more concerned about the glory of God’s Name and
spread of Christ’s Kingdom than economic, political and social comforts. (Matthew 5:10-12, 6:33; James 4:1-3)

Day Fourteen Prayer Focus
Cry out for deep brokenness, Godly fear and humble repentance to sweep God’s
people (Psalm 51:17; Proverbs 28:13; John 14:15; 2 Corinthians 7:1, 10; Ephesians 5:26-27; Hebrews 12:14)

Pray for believers to fully humble themselves, placing their primary trust in God
not in political parties, economics or governments. (2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 33:12-22)

Day Fifteen Prayer Focus
Pray for an explosion of first love passion for Christ and a deep burden for lost
humanity (Matthew 5:6, 44, 22:37-39; Philippians 2:13; 1 John 4:7-11, 20-21; Revelation 2:1- 4, 3:15)

Pray for believers to be filled with great conviction and reverential fear of God.
Pray that none would commit the blatant idolatry of placing economics or politics
above God and biblical truths. (Exodus 20:3-5; Acts 5:29)

Day Sixteen Prayer Focus
Cry out for a mighty movement of fervent personal and corporate prayer with
Spirit-led fasting (2 Chronicles 7:14; Joel 1:14, 2:12-18; Matthew 6:16-18, 17:21, 21:13; Mark 11:17; Acts 2:1, 4:30-31; James 5:16)

Pray for believers to willingly embrace hard times or persecution if such are
required to bring sweeping revival and awakening. (God often brings revival out of hard times, persecution or judgment.)

Pray for God’s people to have wisdom to live and pray as a faithful remnant in a land of darkness. (Matthew 5:10-12; James 1:2, 4:1-3)

Day Seventeen Prayer Focus
Ask God to “rend the heavens” and send forth His powerful manifest presence.
Pray for the restraining of evil and a mighty outpouring of His Spirit (Exodus 33:15; 1 Kings 8:11; Isaiah 59:19; Zechariah 4:6; Acts 1:8, 2:1-2, 4:31)

Pray for all Americans to take their vote seriously. Pray they will understand that
God holds them directly responsible for the stances of those they elect. (Proverbs 29:2; Galatians 6:6-7; Ephesians 5:11)

Day Eighteen Prayer Focus
Pray for a burning passion for evangelism, discipleship and missions to sweep
God’s people, Commit to fervent evangelism and mission in your own life (Matthew 24:14, 28:18-20; Luke 19:10; Acts 1:8; Romans 9:1-3)

Pray for God to direct wise people to run for public office. Pray for wisdom,
effectiveness and power in the campaigns and decisions of those you feel (personally) led to support. (James 1:5-7) Pray for strong funding and support.

Day Nineteen Prayer Focus
Plead for church leaders to be filled with holy boldness, fervent prayer, spiritual
power and strong Scripture focus (1 Timothy 3:1-2; 2 Timothy 1:6-7; 1 Corinthians 2:4)

Pray for God’s guidance and empowerment in campaign ads, interviews and
public debates. (James 1:5-7) Pray that the press and media will be accurate, thorough and unbiased with all candidates.

Day Twenty Prayer Focus
Cry out for supernatural love and unity to sweep churches, denominations and
families (John 13:34-35, 15:12, 17:20-22; Acts 2:1, 42-47; 1 Corinthians 1:10; Ephesians 4:29- 32)

Pray that all believers will seriously seek God and turn out to vote in miraculous
numbers. Pray that voter fraud and/or suppression to be exposed and prevented.
(Psalm 11:3; Ephesians 5:17)

Day Twenty-One Prayer Focus
Pray for powerful faith, pure motives and godly wisdom in seasons of judgment
(Joshua 1:9; Jeremiah 29:16-18, 45:5; Acts 4:29-31; Matthew 6:33, 9:29, 16:18, 17:20; Mark 9:23, 11:22-24; 2 Timothy 1:7; James 4:1-4)

Pray for all Americans to recognize the profound, lasting implication of major
elections. Pray for voters to have the wisdom to see through political rhetoric and
clearly understand truth. Pray for evil to be exposed and integrity to be revealed.

Pray that all voters will clearly see the good and evil of the various beliefs and
philosophies. (Psalm 11:3; Proverbs 14:34)

Day Twenty-Two Prayer Focus
Plead for churches to fully proclaim Christ’s preeminence, Calvary’s Cross and
true new-birth conversion (John 3:3, 13:32, 16:8-14; Acts 4:12; Romans 6:1-14; Philippians 2:5-11; Colossians 1:9-18)

Pray for a mighty resurgence of Americans who will honor God and stand boldly
for absolute biblical truths and principles upon which America was founded. Pray
that a great majority will awaken to wrong directions and ineffective leaders. (Psalm 11:3, 33:12; Proverbs 14:34; John 17:7)

Day Twenty-Three Prayer Focus
Cry out for an explosion of sound biblical doctrine and theology with full
exaltation of God’s glory and grace (1 Chronicles 29:10-13; Isaiah 42:8; Acts 20:27; 1Corinthians 1:29; Ephesians 1:3-6, 2:7-9; 1 Timothy 1:17)

Pray that God’s Spirit will miraculously over-shadow voting booths across
America. Pray that voters will hear and follow God’s guidance, not political parties or human reasoning. (Proverbs 20:27; Acts 5:29; Romans 13:11; Ephesians 5:15-17)

Day Twenty-Four Prayer Focus
Plead for God to rend the heavens in sweeping revival in Christ’s Church. Pray
that God will transform the nations in spiritual awakening. Cry out for Christ’s swift return! (Psalm 2:8; 72:11, 85:6-7; Isaiah 64:1; Acts 2:1-2, 4:30-31; Ephesians 5:26-27; Revelations 22:17, 20)

Pray that God will give America leaders of integrity who govern in righteousness,
wisdom and biblical truth. (Psalm 33:12; Romans 13:1; 1 Timothy 2:1-2)

Day Twenty-Five Prayer Focus
Plead for God’s merciful grace on a nation and many churches that are under His
righteous judgment (2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 85:4-7; Daniel 9:18-19; Hebrews 4:16; James 4:8-10; 1 Peter 4:17)

Pray for all Americans to recognize the profound, lasting implications of major
elections. Pray for voters to have wisdom to see through deceptive political rhetoric and clearly understand the truth about each candidate. Pray that integrity will be revealed and falsehoods exposed. Pray that voters will see the truth about the differing political, social and spiritual philosophies. (Psalm 11:3; Proverbs 29:2; John 8:32; Ephesians 5:17)

Day Twenty-Six Prayer Focus
Cry out for deep brokenness, Godly fear and humble repentance to sweep God’s
people (Psalm 51:17; Proverbs 28:13; John 14:15; 2 Corinthians 7:1, 10; Ephesians 5:26-27; Hebrews 12:14)

Pray that all believers will seriously seek God and turn out to vote in miraculous
numbers. Pray that voter fraud and/or suppression will be exposed and prevented.
(Psalm 11:3; Ephesians 5:17)

Day Twenty-Seven Prayer Focus
Pray for an explosion of first love passion for Christ and a deep burden for lost
humanity (Matthew 5:6, 44, 22:37-39; Philippians 2:13; 1 John 4:7-11, 20-21; Revelation 2:1- 4, 3:15)

Pray for believers to be much more concerned about the glory of God’s Name and
spread of Christ’s Kingdom than economic, political and social comforts. (Matthew 5:10-12, 6:33; James 4:1-3)

Day Twenty-Eight Prayer Focus
Cry out for a mighty movement of fervent personal and corporate prayer with
Spirit-led fasting (2 Chronicles 7:14; Joel 1:14, 2:12-18; Matthew 6:16-18, 17:21, 21:13; Mark 11:17; Acts 2:1, 4:30-31; James 5:16)

Pray for believers to fully humble themselves, placing their primary trust in God
not in political parties, economics or governments. (2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 33:12-22)

Day Twenty-Nine Prayer Focus
Plead for God to rend the heavens and send forth His powerful manifest
presence. Pray for the restraining of evil and a mighty outpouring of His Spirit
(Exodus 33:15; 1 Kings 8:11; Isaiah 59:19; Zechariah 4:6; Acts 1:8, 2:1-2, 4:31)

Pray for believers to be filled with great conviction and reverential fear of God.
Pray that none would commit the blatant idolatry of placing economics or politics
above God and biblical truths. (Exodus 20:3-5; Acts 5:29)

Day Thirty Prayer Focus
Pray for a burning passion for evangelism, discipleship and missions to sweep
God’s people (Matthew 24:14, 28:18-20; Luke 19:10; Acts 1:8; Romans 9:1-3)

Pray for believers to willingly embrace hard times or persecution if such are
required to bring sweeping revival and awakening. (God often brings revival out of hard times, persecution or judgment.) Pray for God’s people to have wisdom to live and pray as a faithful remnant in a land of darkness. (Matthew 5:10-12; James 1:2, 4:1-3)

Day Thirty-One Prayer Focus
Plead for church leaders to be filled with holy boldness, fervent prayer, spiritual
power and strong Scripture focus (1 Timothy 3:1-2; 2 Timothy 1:6-7; 1 Corinthians 2:4)

Pray for all Americans to take their vote seriously. Pray they will understand that
God holds them directly responsible for the stances of those they elect. (Proverbs 29:2; Galatians 6:6-7; Ephesians 5:11)

Day Thirty-Two Prayer Focus
Cry out for supernatural love and unity to sweep churches, denominations and
families (John 13:34-35, 15:12, 17:20-22; Acts 2:1, 42-47; 1 Corinthians 1:10; Ephesians 4:29- 32)

Pray for the right people to decide to run for public office. Pray for wisdom,
effectiveness and power in the campaigns and decisions of those you feel (personally) led to support. (James 1:5-7) Pray for strong funding and support.

Day Thirty-Three Prayer Focus
Pray for powerful faith, pure motives and Godly wisdom in seasons of judgment
(Joshua 1:9; Jeremiah 29:16-18, 45:5; Acts 4:29-31; Matthew 6:33, 9:29, 16:18, 17:20; Mark 9:23, 11:22-24; 2 Timothy 1:7; James 4:1-4)

Pray for God’s guidance and empowerment in campaign ads, interviews and
public debates. (James 1:5-7) Pray that the press and media will be accurate, thorough and unbiased.

Day Thirty-Four Prayer Focus
Plead for churches to fully proclaim Christ’s preeminence, Calvary’s Cross and
true new-birth conversion (John 3:3, 13:32, 16:8-14; Acts 4:12; Romans 6:1-14; Philippians 2:5-11; Colossians 1:9-18)

Pray that all believers will seriously seek God and turn out to vote in miraculous
numbers. Pray that voter fraud will be exposed and prevented. (Psalm 11:3; Ephesians 5:17)

Day Thirty-Five Prayer Focus
Cry out for an explosion of sound biblical doctrine and theology with full
exaltation of God’s glory (1 Chronicles 29:10-13; Isaiah 42:8; Acts 20:27; 1 Corinthians 1:29; Ephesians 1:3-6, 2:7-9; 1 Timothy 1:17)

Pray for all Americans to recognize the profound, lasting implication of major
elections. Pray for voters to have the wisdom to see through political rhetoric and
clearly understand truth. Pray for falsity to be exposed and integrity to be revealed.
Pray that all voters will clearly see the good and bad of the various beliefs and
philosophies. (Psalm 11:3; Proverbs 14:34)

Day Thirty-Six Prayer Focus
Plead for God to rend the heavens in sweeping revival and to transform the
nations in spiritual awakening. Cry out for Christ’s swift return! (Psalm 2:8, 72:11, 85:6-7; Isaiah 64:1; Acts 2:1-2, 4:30-31; Ephesians 5:26-27; Revelations 22:17, 20)

Pray for a mighty resurgence of Americans who will honor God and stand boldly
for absolute biblical truths and historic American principles. Pray that a great
majority will awaken to wrong directions and ineffective leaders. (Psalm 11:3, 33:12; Proverbs 14:34; John 17:7)

Day Thirty-Seven Prayer Focus
Plead for God’s merciful grace on a nation and many churches that are under His
righteous judgment (2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 85:4-7; Daniel 9:18-19; Hebrews 4:16; James 4:8-10; 1 Peter 4:17)

Pray that God’s Spirit will miraculously over-shadow voting booths across
America. Pray that voters will hear and follow God’s guidance, not political parties or human reasoning. (Proverbs 20:27; Acts 5:29; Romans 13:11; Ephesians 5:15-17)

Day Thirty-Eight Prayer Focus
Cry out for deep brokenness, Godly fear and humble repentance to sweep God’s
people (Psalm 51:17; Proverbs 28:13; John 14:15; 2 Corinthians 7:1, 10; Ephesians 5:26-27; Hebrews 12:14)

Pray that God will give America leaders of integrity who govern in righteousness,
wisdom and biblical truth. (Psalm 33:12; Romans 13:1; 1 Timothy 2:1-2)

Day Thirty-Nine Prayer Focus
Pray for an explosion of first love passion for Christ and a deep burden for lost
humanity (Matthew 5:6, 44, 22:37-39; Philippians 2:13; 1 John 4:7-11, 20-21; Revelation 2:1- 4, 3:15)

Pray for believers to willingly embrace hard times or persecution if such are
required to bring sweeping revival and awakening. (God often brings revival out of hard times, persecution or judgment.) Pray for God’s people to have wisdom to live and pray as a faithful remnant in a land of darkness. (Matthew 5:10-12; James 1:2, 4:1-3)

Day Forty Prayer Focus
Cry out for a mighty movement of fervent personal and corporate prayer with
Spirit-led fasting (2 Chronicles 7:14; Joel 1:14; 2:12-18; Matthew 6:16-18, 17:21, 21:13; Mark 11:17; Acts 2:1, 4:30-31; James 5:16)

Pray for all Americans to recognize the profound, lasting implications of major
elections. Pray for voters to have wisdom to see through deceptive political rhetoric and clearly understand the truth about each candidate. Pray that integrity will be revealed and falsity exposed. Pray that voters will see the truth about the differing political, social and spiritual philosophies. (Psalm 11:3; Proverbs 29:2; John 8:32; Ephesians 5:17)

(Copied from Online Devotional)
October 5, 2012
Judas or Jesus.  How sad it is when a person spends years around Jesus, but isn't changed by the message of Christ. This was the case with Judas.  Sadly, there are still people today who follow in Judas' footsteps, rather than in Jesus' footsteps. Judas was blinded by cares of this world, 
by money, 
by greed, 
by judging rather than accepting Jesus' message. 

1 John 2:16-1.  Jesus' leadership legacy is one of warning. Will you let Jesus transform your perspective?

Saturday, April 7, 2012

4 Types of Christians

Reposted from Os Hillman

"But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law"(Galatians 5:18).
In his book Anointed for Business, Ed Silvoso provides a thoughtful look at the four types of Christians in the workplace. The following four categories provide an excellent tool for self-assessment:
1. The Christian who is simply trying to survive.
2. The Christian who is living by Christian principles.
3. The Christian who is living by the power of the Holy Spirit.
4. The Christian who is transforming his or her workplaces for Christ.*
Category #1: Christians who are simply trying to survive have no purpose or zeal for integrating their faith at work. They have not seen the power or presence of God in their work lives. Such Christians segment their faith life from their work life. They lack purpose and meaning and they have little direction.
Category #2: The second type of Christian in the workplace includes those who are living by Christian principles. We participate in 12-step programs and read books with guaranteed formulas to help us lose weight or improve our marriages. This programmed teaching can be beneficial to change negative patterns in our lives. However, it is important to recognize that the root of this type of teaching comes largely from a Greek-based system for attaining knowledge, as compared to the early church Hebraic model of experiential learning.
Category #3: Christians who are living by the power of the Holy Spirit understand the importance of developing a heart toward God through prayer, study of the Word of God and obedience. They realize that these are the three core ingredients to experiencing the power of God in their lives.
Category #4: A wonderful byproduct of living by the power of the Holy Spirit is that you can transform your workplace for God. Christians who passionately seek the manifestation of God's kingdom here on earth will be able to realize this transformation in their workplaces. When the kingdom of God is demonstrated on Earth, it can transform the workplace and society.
Start asking God to help you see how to transform your workplace today.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Why Going to Church is Important

Some people claim to be Christians but don’t attend church. But if you really love God, you will love His people and long to be with them.
“Well, I haven’t found a church I like yet, and I work and Sunday is my only day off!” The Bible indeed commands us to go to church, and—even more—to be a functioning part of it.
Hebrews 10:24–25 says, “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”
I like the way the New Living Translation puts it: “Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near.”
The Bible does not say: Don’t forsake the assembling of yourselves together unless Sunday is your only day off…or unless you want to run in a triathlon…or unless it’s a great beach day, in which case you are excused, because you just don’t need fellowship as much as other Christians do.
Yes, if you love God, you will love His people and long to be with them. If you don’t really love God, you won’t love His people. Some will say “I’m so over the church; people are critical and judgmental. It’s so full of hypocrites!” My response to that is: There is always room for one more!
Understand, I am not justifying hypocrisy of any kind, but honestly, we have all been hypocritical at times. But that is not a reason to not attend church. The church has its flaws because people are in it. However, Jesus both started and loves the church. He died for it.
Being in fellowship is a proof that you are indeed a child of God. It says in 1 John 3:14, “We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers. Anyone who does not love remains in death.” Psalm 133:1 says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”
Not going to church is a proof that something is wrong with you spiritually. We read in 1 John 2:19, “These people left our churches because they never really belonged with us; otherwise they would have stayed with us. When they left us, it proved that they do not belong with us.”
Studies show that if you don’t go to church for a month, the odds are almost 2 to 1 that you won’t go for more than a year. Being a vital and active part of the church is something we pass on to our kids. A study once disclosed that
  • If both Mom and Dad attend church regularly, 72% of their children remain faithful in attendance.
  • If only Dad attends regularly, 55% remain faithful.
  • If only Mom attends regularly, 15% remain faithful.
  • If neither attend regularly, only 6% remain faithful.
What legacy will you leave your kids? Are you committed to demonstrating to them that going to church is important?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vision of Crosswalk

February 29, 2012
Reposted from Bob Mayfield

To be effective, every small group in the church must have the church's mission as its primary reason for existing. Your group should not exist as an entity unto itself. Instead, your class is a vehicle your church uses to fulfill the Great Commission and take the Gospel to your Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and every corner of the planet (Acts 1:8). Understanding your purpose helps make starting a new group a joyful moment rather than a sorrowful one. Knowing your purpose makes sending group members to serve in other areas a pleasure instead of a pain! Knowing your mission makes personal care of your group a privilege instead of chore! Knowing your mission keeps your eyes on the field of lost souls that you and your group are in contact with every day.

When leading a Sunday School seminar, I often ask the participants what is the mission or purpose of Sunday School. Usually I get a definition of Sunday School that includes things like Bible study, ministry, and fellowship. These are the functions of a Sunday School and help define what we do when the group meets, but they are not its mission. The mission of Sunday School is to carry out the church's Great Commission mandate to make disciples - in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth. Sunday School is how your church is organized to do its mission. Ultimately, a mission statement is nothing more than a statement, until the church organizes itself to actually do its mission.

Twitter has become a well-known way to communicate. One "tweet" is limited to 140 characters. The mission or purpose of your group should fit on a tweet... and have room to spare!

Knowing your mission brings greater pleasure in being part of the big picture. Your group is not meant to be an island unto itself. Instead, your group is part of your church's overall strategy to disciple all ages of people and all people groups in your neighborhood. If you are an adult leader; the preschool, children, and student Sunday School groups depend on you to grow the adults in your group to become new leaders in these areas. Together with the other classes in your church, you are able to effectively minister and disciple every member of the church.
Imagine a church that has to design and sustain a different structure and organization for all of its various ministries. Missions operates out of one sphere. Stewardship is in another. Discipleship takes place here. The personal care of church members is handled in another way. Bible study is done at this time. Prayer needs are discovered and prayed for at yet another time. Oh, and if you want to make a few friends, well we have another program for that! Children are discipled at one time and parents at another. Since all of these activities are important, try fitting them all into your personal calendar every week! Now imagine trying to staff and lead all of these different, but critical organizations of the church. You may not have to imagine this church at all; this illustration might be reality for your church.

Now imagine all of these important ministries of the church taking place in your group. In fact, you may not have to imagine it at all. It may already happening. A well organized Sunday School class will effectively meet these needs. Rather than bouncing people around and keeping them in a state of confusion about where to go for what ministry and when, Sunday School takes all of these critical components of the church's mission and organizes them in an efficient, timely way so that people can grow into the image of Christ and still have time in their schedule for family and friend

Monday, February 27, 2012

Is It Possible to Change Ourselves?

Is It Possible to Change Ourselves?:

We like the idea of change, of starting over again, of becoming someone different than we are. Sometimes we move to a new place, thinking we can escape our problems. Sometimes we think if we had some new friends or get married that life will be better. Then we think if only we had kids things would be different.

Others think a change in their appearance will do it. A survey revealed that 80 percent of American women are dissatisfied with their appearance. And research has also shown that the more time people spend consuming media, the more unhappy they are with their bodies. They think that if they could look like someone in a magazine, it would meet the deepest needs of their lives.

If you think you would be happier if you were really handsome or strikingly beautiful, consider this statement from actress Halle Berry: “Being thought of as a beautiful woman has spared me nothing in life. No heartache, no trouble. Love has been difficult. Beauty is essentially meaningless and it is always transitory.”

A professor of sociology said, “The demand for instant identity transformation has never been so pervasive. People want change, and they want it instantly. From fame to the instant thrills of Botox or liposuction, the capacity to reinvent ourselves has become fundamental.”

But can we really reinvent ourselves? Can we really change? Here is the answer: No. You cannot change who you are on the inside. You can change your appearance. You can change your location. You can change your relationships. But you can’t change yourself any more than a drowning person can save himself.

Sometimes it is said the answer is within, but the reality is the problem is within. And that problem inside of you and inside of me is called sin. We have all sinned. And we can’t change our essential nature. The Bible says, “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?” (Jeremiah 17:9 NLT). There is only one person who can change the human heart, and that is God. God can change your life. It is possible.

There is a story in the Bible about a woman who got caught committing adultery. Some religious leaders found her and decided she ought to be executed for this. We don’t know what happened to the man she was with, but apparently he walked away free. But they brought this woman to Jesus and threw her down at his feet. Now, they didn’t really care about this woman. What they really were trying to do was to trap Jesus. They wanted to know what he would do.

They said to him, “This woman was caught in the act of adultery. The Law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?” (John 8:4–5) Now, Jesus was on the horns of a dilemma here. If He said, “Stone her,” he would have been justified, technically, but that would have been pretty harsh. If he said, “Let her go,” then he would have been seen as being too lenient.

So what did he do? He looked at them and started writing in the sand. What was he doing? I don’t think he was playing tic-tac-toe. I think he wrote something significant. And when he was finished writing in the sand, he stood up and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” (verse 7). Then he stooped down and started writing again.

We don’t know exactly what Jesus wrote, but I think he probably wrote the names of the religious leaders next to the commandments. Yeah, Caleb, I know what is up with you. … Hey, Joshua, I know where you have been. … Eliezer, I know all about you, buddy. And then they left, from the oldest to the youngest. And why did they leave in that order? I think it s because the older guys had more sins they had committed. They got busted. Instead of condemning the woman, Jesus condemned the self-righteous condemners.

Then Jesus said to her, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”

“No, Lord,” she said.

And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more” (verses 10–11).

Some might say, “How could Jesus pardon her? She was caught in the act. She wasn’t even a believer.” But I think she was. Why? Because she believed. I am not sure exactly when she believed, but probably right before she said, “No, Lord.” How long does it take to believe in God? Only an instant.

Jesus said four things to her that were very important.

Her sins had been forgiven. He said, “Neither do I [condemn you]. Go and sin no more.” God can forgive you of all of your sins. And not only will he forgive them, but he will forget them. They will be behind you. The Bible says it will be like they are buried in the depths of the sea (see Micah 7:19).

She did not have to fear the judgment day. There is a day of judgment coming when everyone will stand before God – the rich and the poor, the famous and the unknown. And the question in that final day will not be whether you lived or a good life or were a nice person or whether you recycled. The question will be: What did you do with Jesus Christ?

She had new power to face her problems. “Go and sin no more,” Jesus told her. God will give you the power to be the person he wants you to be.

I never wanted to be a religious person. I never wanted to be someone who went to church. But when Jesus started changing me, I said to God, “I don’t even know how to pray. But I will say this: if you are real, then you will have to make yourself real to me.” And he started changing me. He will start changing you too. You will see.