Thursday, February 1, 2018

2018 Objectives

As a child of God and responsible for personal growthI want to obey and trust God and to grow mentally, emotionally, socially, spiritually and physically.

1.    Being a disciple and making disciples.
·         Daily prayer, devotional and Bible study. 
·         Pray daily for those on my list of lost, for family and friends, Church and   America.
·         Share the goodness of God with someone every day.
·         Confess and ask forgiveness daily.
·         Read contemporary Christian literature.
·         Grow Christian friendships.
·         Subscribe to and read/listen to Christian blogs, podcasts and daily emails.
·         Live in community with Christian friends.

2.   Physical growth and Health
·         Regular exercise program with Mary
·         Walk 15 miles per week.
·         Six–eight hours sleep per night.
·         Maintain weight 155-160.

3,   Mental and Ability Growth
·         Remain up-to-date in current affairs:
·         Increase proficiency in social media and mobile computing skills.
·         Restore music skills.
·         Improve photography skills.

As a husband,
I want to totally satisfy Mary’s needs for affection, conversation, honesty and openness, financial support and family commitment: 

·         Grow closer to Mary, becoming more Christ-like.
·         Tell her and show her that I love her.
·         Spend as much time with Mary as she wants.
·         Daily discussions about life.
·         Minimum of one date per week.
·         Freedom for Mary to be herself.
·         Flowers/gifts/cards for no reason.
·         Help with "housework,"
·         Spontaneous fun.
·         Exercise together.
·         Maintain a positive and growing balance in the love bank account.
·         Be supportive of her family relationships.

As a father and father-in-law,
I want to be a role model for honesty and integrity.  I want to be an encourager for all six of my children.

·         Demonstrate Christ’s love to children, grandchildren.
·         Say I love you more often.
·         Spend as much time with kids and grandkids as they want.
·         Keep in touch at least weekly and visit quarterly.
·         Be aware of and help children and spouses achieve their goals and  supporting strategies.
·         Encourage positive values.
·         Do not enable bad behavior.

As a friend,
I want to develop a reputation for dependability and caring. 

·         Demonstrate God’s love.
·         Maintain regular contact by sending notes, social media interaction and eating meals together.

As part of Church Renewal Journey
(As the coordinator for North Carolina,) I want to ensure the ongoing viability of CRJ.

·         Follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 
·         Meet with State Convention leaders, teachers and coordinators.
·         Meet with local DOM’s.

As a church member at Bethlehem,
I want to regularly attend worship and participate where my talents are best utilized.

·         Bible Study Groups.
·         Deacon ministry.
·         Committees.
·         Mission Trips.
·         Encourager for pastors.