I've read over the blogs posted from SS classmates and not only are they interesting and informative, they are also very encouraging. In my life right now, I seek words of encouragement. From my christian friends, but more importantly, from my Lord and Savior.
When I pray in my quiet time, I ask the Lord to let me be a light for Him today, and to let me recognize that opportunity (sometimes I think I need a billboard with neon lights on it!). Yesterday, I had to call one of our vendors about a past due invoice we received. It was several months old, and I never received it prior to yesterday. So I called to ask for some addt'l info to be sent to me. When I told the lady that answered the phone that I never got the original invoice, she said to me, "I'm not surprised." I said "excuse me?" We began a conversation. Her name is Janet. She lives in New York, and she told me her boss is trying to make her quit because he doesn't want her there anymore, and if she quits, she can't draw unemployment.
She proceeded to tell me a little bit more. I told her I was so sorry for the situation she was in.
Now, let me back up a minute and say this. Some of you know the situation I'm experiencing on a personal level right now. I have a dear friend that sent me a page of encouraging scripture. I read it daily, and speak it because I believe God's spoken Word has power. I keep it posted on my bulletin board at my desk.
As Janet was sharing with me, I quickly took my scripture page down and found something I thought appropriate to share. I said Janet, let me share this with you. I read to her:
2 Thessalonians 3:16, "Now may the Lord of peace Himself give me peace at all times and in every way." I told her that no matter what she was going through, God was bigger. Nothing she was experiencing was a surprise to Him, and that He has a plan for her. I told her to trust in the Lord. Give it to Him and let Him handle it for her.
We chatted a few more minutes and before I hung up, I told her that faith in Christ can get you through anything, then I said God bless you and hung up. I was so excited that God had given me an opportunity to share Him with someone. I used what someone had given me during my time of need to minister to someone else. That is so awesome!
We serve a God that is so powerful and all knowing. If we really put our trust in Him, He will see us through whatever life serves up. I believe that's the Potter shaping the clay, He is pruning us so we become more productive in serving Him. I'm thankful that I have such loving Christian friends and especially my sisters in Christ that lift me up when I need it the most. I'm also thankful that God hears and answers prayers, and I'm thankful for my wonderful Sunday school class and our incredible teacher!
~Sandra Stephens
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