Dear Mark, Christina, Melissa, Robbie, Keith and Tiffany -
A couple of weeks ago I was playing miniature golf with two grandkids and every time they mis-hit the golf ball, they wanted a do-over.
We all have decisions we have made that we would like to change, personality quirks that we don't really like and fears that are irrational. I have more than my share of actions when I needed a Do-Over.
If Do Overs really were possible, I would:
A couple of weeks ago I was playing miniature golf with two grandkids and every time they mis-hit the golf ball, they wanted a do-over.
We all have decisions we have made that we would like to change, personality quirks that we don't really like and fears that are irrational. I have more than my share of actions when I needed a Do-Over.
If Do Overs really were possible, I would:
a closer relationship with Jesus. Unfortunately, I was 66 years old before i realized the importance (make that necessity) of actively seeking a relationship with God through Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.
seek to understand and then follow God’s calling for my life. Until six years ago, I thought pastors and church staff were the ones who were hired to do the work of Going and Making Disciples. Since I wasn't "called," I only needed to financially support them. Now I know that God called me to salvation and then to His plan for my life. The plan God has for me (and for you) is just as important as His plan for a pastor or evangelist or missionary. I wish that I had understood the concept of being called by God to His plan in my marketplace when I was a teenager. [I will write more about this in a later post.]
a disciplined practice of spiritual disciplines (PBSMF) early in life. I have only been practicing spiritual disciplines of prayer, Bible study and meditation and fasting (PBSMF) for six years. During this time, I think I can see a difference in my relationship with God, with you, with Mary and with others.
myself and others accountable for achieving a jointly developed plan that is
developed through a strategic management process. I have always been a planner in the business world, but I did not always seek broad input for the plan and I did a lousy job of holding people accountable for achieving the plan. I assumed that people would work and enjoy work as much as I did. I learned too late that I am a workaholic,which is not good.
up on exceptions quicker. This gap is related to achieving the work plan. I wish I had done a better job of understanding systems and the statistical nature of all systems. A system or process (life) always seeks equilibrium. In order to change (improve) the results of a process or system one or more components of the system or process must be changed. I often waited too long to change a process that needed to be improved.
conflicts sooner. A team will always have internal conflicts. A good manager knows when to step in and mediate a solution and when to allow the team to solve their problems. Because I don't like to confront people with their failures, I often misjudged when to involve myself in team squabbles. I did not want to be a micro manager and often waited too long to help the team find a solution.
I will complete the list of desired Do Overs in my next post.
I will complete the list of desired Do Overs in my next post.
Living closer to Jesus is my primary goal in life. When the kids are in school I spend my morning with Jesus and feel Him in every aspect of life. During the summer the children don't give me a second to have any quiet time. I'm journaling with them running around me, talking nonstop, etc. This stage of life is precious but hard. Keith, much like you at his age works so much that he doesn't carve enough time out to be in the Word. Also, overtime I've learned just because you serve at church doesn't mean you have a strong relationship with God. Often times when I'm super involved in church I'm burned out and serving out of guilt. I've learned to reevaluate where I serve more often. God has recently totally changed the direction I was headed and if I wouldnt have stopped to listen I would have never been where I am now .