Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Letters to my Children. A Principle of Life I Don't Like

Dear Mark, Christina, Melissa, Robbie, Keith, and Tiffany-

There is a principle life that I don't like. In fact, I don't even understand it. The principal is this, Bad things happen to good people. 

This principle is hard. It is difficult to understand. Extremely difficult to accept.

We have all seen this principle at work in life:  
  • The person who deserved the promotion did not get it. 
  • A local church member who is extremely active in the church is devastated when his house burns to the ground.
  • A volunteer worker at a food pantry is killed on the way home from the mission. 
  • A forest fire in California destroyed homes of totally innocent people.

When we see bad things happen to good people, we might even say, “Life isn’t fair.” Some people even think a loving God would not allow this to happen and begin to doubt the existence of God.

Think on these things when bad things happen to you:

Love of God
God loves us unconditionally The Bible clearly teaches that there is nothing that you can do to make him love you more. The nearest analogy that I can think of is my unconditional love for you, my children. There is nothing that you can do to make me love you more or love you less.

So the first thought when bad things happen is that God loves you. Unconditionally. He always has and He always will.

Satan is Mean
Evil, bad things, calamities, natural disasters exist in this world because of sin and Satan. Spiritual warfare is real, and we suffer the consequences in the physical world. The Bible describes Satan as a liar, a roaring lion, seeking to devour us. My 72 years confirms this.

Bad things happening to you should be a reminder that Satan is real.

Power of God
The Bible teaches that God uses everything to advance His kingdom, Romans 8:28-29. Nothing can stand against His church, Matthew 16:18. His ways and thoughts are higher than mine, Isaiah 55:8-9. No matter what is happening to you, God will use it to advance His kingdom.

Prosperity gospel is false.
We tend to be susceptible to a Prosperity Gospel here in the west that says, “If we do good and if we do more and more to try to please God and to be good to other people then God is going to reward us. Life will be good.” This gospel is false. Run from it.

Focus on eternity
It is important to live life with eternity in mind. (Remember the story of the string which was posted here.) When our focus is on eternity then what happens in the short period of time we're on this Earth is really immaterial. I know this is hard to accept when bad things are happening, but the older you grow, the more this makes sense.


  1. In my life I see God using my struggles to help me grow spiritually. Sometimes those moments of despair are the most insightful. I think God allows bad things to happen, so he can draw you closer and help turn in you into the person you were meant to be. I love Romans 5:1-5.
    **you told us to comment. I hope you meant it;)

  2. Also, I love 2 Corinthians 12:9-12. When I am weak, then I am strong. Suffering allows us the opportunity to lean on him and get our strength from Him. I don't always view suffering as bad. I often rejoice in it knowing He is using it for His glory. I'm not saying it's fun, but I know there is a bigger picture I can't see.


What do you think? Let me know.