Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Letters to my Children. People

Dear Mark, Christina, Melissa, Robbie, Keith and Tiffany-

Some comedian once said, "If it weren't for people, life would be easy." I don't know if that is true, but I know that without people life would be sad and boring. I believe that we are created for a relationship with God and relationships with many people. 

Here are 10 thoughts about people. You can probably add many others:

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Treat people like people. The primary difference between good and bad people relationships is the belief that people have a right to be treated with dignity and respect.

Before we can respect others we must have high self-respect. Each human being has self-worth because God creates each of us.  Many people try to earn or prove self-worth by an improper emphasis on material possessions or work or power.  In reality, self-worth is a gift from birth.

Excited people create success; they treat others with dignity and respect.
Get along to get along. Don't blame others for your problems and don't ignore the problems. 

Many people go through life complaining about being mistreated by coworkers.  Others complain about the unfairness of office politics or frustration from being used by friends.  The best way to counteract these negative feelings is to build on your belief about your purpose for being in your MarketPlace.
Speaking is only half of the communication process.  Successful communication requires good listening skills.

It is difficult to separate the message from the messenger.
Initial impressions are important. Firsts are important: first hour, first day, first month and first year all create the impression others have of you.

Some people are afraid to make a decision while others are rambunctious and make the wrong decision before examining all the facts.  In today's fast-paced world, good decision-making is a key competency for a successful business.

1 comment:

  1. I think a whole section on toxic people could be added. Finding that balance of loving someone but creating boundaries.
    Also, first impressions are important but often times wrong. For example, after meeting Owen a teacher once told me, "People say he is so smart, but I just don't see it." She was judging him based on his social interactions. She wasn't able to see past that to see how smart and creative he is! Sometimes it takes time and several interactions to see someone's heart and potential.


What do you think? Let me know.