Saturday, August 18, 2018

Letters to my Children. What's your Marketplace?

Dear Mark, Christina, Melissa, Robbie, Keith, and Tiffany

One of the key concepts in life that I only began to understand several years ago is Marketplace. Marketplace is any place we are on a regular basis where we have the opportunity to interact with people. Synonyms for Marketplace include sphere of influence and community.

Early in my adult life, I learned that I cannot solve all the world's problems. I can't meet the needs of people all over the world. And because I can't meet everyone's needs or solve all problems there is a tendency for me to live in a cocoon without interacting with very many people.

In an earlier post on Foundational Truths, I wrote about being on earth for a purpose and how God’s Plan involves us, individually. I have thought a lot in the last 6 years about being here for a purpose. Particularly "here." Where is "here?" I call here, my Marketplace. it is important for me to live on task, on mission and on purpose in my Marketplace. This means I intentionally interact with people in my Marketplace.

Where is My marketplace?
Marketplace includes home, where I work(ed), go to church, play, vacation, and where I have regular interactions in the community. 

My marketplace includes:
  •  Family. Although there are 18 of us in the immediate family, there are about 200 in the larger family. I need to be more intentional in the extended family. 
  • Work. Although I am retired, I still have relationships at NC State and a few remaining at Temple Inland, just not as many as when I was working. I spent more waking hours at work than in any other segment of my Marketplace, and during my working career I did not think of work as a Marketplace and missed many opportunities to build friendships. I missed  many opportunities to meet needs of those around me.
  • Church. There are probably 300 people in Bethlehem who should be in my marketplace. I ignored church as a marketplace all my life. Looking back, I see many missed opportunities to serve others.
  • National and international mission locations.  Szelkeyhid, Romania; Toronto Canada and Barre, Vermont are all a part of my Marketplace.
  • Local community. Cleaners, restaurants, barber....
Geographically, my Marketplace is very large. It includes a large number of people. God placed me in a specific location and shaped me to be successful in that Marketplace.  And, He wants me to be successful in my total existence - physical/material and spiritual.

Where is Your Marketplace? 
Each of you has a unique Marketplace. You have been placed there by God, for His purposes. While you are reasonably young in life, begin to think of Marketplace. Think of God's purpose for you being in your Marketplace. And be prepared for God to change, shrink or expand your Marketplace. After all, it is His plan that He is working through you.

My next post will continue the theme of Marketplace, exploring how the concept of Marketplace can influence your entire life.

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